Shetland Chiropractic Fees
Losing anything, especially your health, will require an investment of your time and money to recover it. Rest assured that our fees are competitive with other offices around the north of Scotland. Once we have had the opportunity to evaluate your case, we will explain what we have found and what we think it will take to get you well, and just as important – stay well.
Service | Fee |
Initial Consultation (Adult) | £95 |
Initial Consultation (Child 12 & under) | £75 |
Treatment (Adult and Child) | £55 |
Re-examination and treatment* | £70 |
X-Rays | £136 |
Community talks and educational events | Free |
Website membership, newsletters etc | Free |
Supplements, Support belts and pillows etc | Individually priced |
Telehealth/Videohealth appointments are available for those unable to attend in person – please contact us for the fee schedule.
Medico-legal reports incur a minimum fee of £225
*This will be required following an 18-month continuous absence from the clinic, a traumatic incident or prior to a medico-legal report.
If you need to cancel or re-schedule your appointment, please give us 24-hours notice so we may offer it to other patients who are often waiting for an appointment and to avoid late cancellation/missed appointment fees (£25/100% respectively).
Private Insurance
We are able are to provide chiropractic care under most private medical insurance schemes. As we do not have a dedicated accounts department you will be required to pay for your treatments at the time of service. Receipts will be issued to you so you can be reimbursed directly from your insurance provider.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call Shetland Chiropractic at 01595 690988.